Understand When You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney for a Traffic Violation
Most of us have broken a traffic law at one time or another, and the consequences when you are caught can be costly, no matter
If you or your teenager is facing a criminal charge or you are getting divorced and need representation for a custody hearing, Stephen Bloomquest is here for you. As an experienced litigator, he will fight for you in court. He also handles estate planning and business documents.
No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced, but it happens all the time. When you have made the decision to end your marriage, talk to an experienced Richmond divorce attorney before you take the first step. At Quest Law PLLC, we fight to get our clients what they want out of a divorce and the sooner we are involved, the better.
If you are getting divorced and have children, we will work hard to get a custody and visitation agreement that works for you. Whether you are seeking sole or joint custody, we will make sure your voice is heard in the process. Our focus is on helping you do what’s best for your children and your future. Contact us today to learn more about us.
Everyone makes mistakes. When your mistake lands you in jail, you need a defense attorney who believes in you. At Quest Law PLLC we believe that everyone deserves a second chance. No matter what your mistake was—from DUI to assault and battery—Stephen Bloomquest will hear your story and help you understand your legal options.
Our firm is committed to working closely with clients to set realistic, attainable goals and will take the time to keep clients informed at all times. Stephen is always available to answer your questions and will meticulously prepare your case for trial, if it comes to that. We value the attorney-client relationship and will do everything we can to ensure the best possible outcome for your criminal case. Contact us to learn more today.
No one likes to think about a future without them in it, but if you don’t take the time to make an estate plan now, you and your family could suffer unnecessarily. What will happen if you become incapacitated? If you need care in a nursing home, how can you protect your savings? Who will take care of your children if you are killed in a car accident?
Do you have strong feelings about who should get what after you die? If these questions are stressing you out, it’s time to call Quest Law to schedule an estate planning consultation. Stephen Bloomquest wants to know about your family and your hopes and dreams for the future. He will take a look at your assets and make recommendations for an estate plan that will take care of everything. There is nothing like the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your assets and, more importantly, your family will be taken care of after you are gone. Call Quest Law PLLC to make an appointment today.
Get your new business off to a strong start by working with Stephen Bloomquest from day one. Whether you need to draft articles of incorporation, employee contracts, or other documents, Stephen has the knowledge and experience to provide the legal guidance you need to ensure that your business is protected and poised to be profitable.
This may be your first business venture or you may be an experienced entrepreneur—either way, you need to be able to leave the legal details to someone well versed in corporate law so you can focus on building your brand and growing your company. Wherever you are in the process of starting and running a business, get in touch with Quest Law PLLC today.
Offering Free Consultations To Discuss Your Situation!
Most of us have broken a traffic law at one time or another, and the consequences when you are caught can be costly, no matter
Any divorce can be complex and emotional. However, there are unique issues if you are in the military or married to someone who is in
In order to prevent any unexpected complications or surprises in the child custody or visitation order, it is important to work with a family law attorney at
Offering Consultations To Discuss Your Situation!
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